Sunday, April 02, 2006

Financial Times:
Republicans seize on censure bid to drum up support
By Caroline Daniel
Published: April 3 2006

More than 10m grassroots Republican activists were sent an internet advertisement this weekend.

It starts with a hooded man running through a bombed-out building. As the sounds of gunshots and a fast-beating heart fade, a voice intones:

"Terrorists declared war on our country. Today, the terrorists still fight this war."

After a reassuring shot of President George W. Bush vowing to defend the nation, and a reference to his pursuit of the international communications of al-Qaeda members, the advert cuts to clips of four angry Democrats. They suggest he has broken the law and hint at impeachment. "Censure? Impeachment? Is this the Democrat's plan?" it concludes.

The advertisement marks part of an ambitious campaign by Republicans to follow the strategy for the mid-term 2006 elections set out by Karl Rove, Mr Bush's chief political strategist: to paint the Democrats as soft on national security and living in a pre-9/11 world...


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