Sunday, April 02, 2006

Exodus of 'values voters'?
Conservative Christians losing faith in GOP to advance their agenda
Sunday, April 2, 2006
By WAYNE SLATER / The Dallas Morning News

WASHINGTON – There was no clearer sense of the despair among conservative Christians who gathered recently than the row upon row of books with urgent, alarmist titles.

Pagan America. Judicial Tyranny. Liberalism Kills Kids. The Criminalization of Christianity.

In the political culture wars, religious conservatives say they've been electing candidates but not getting the results they want. And leaders worry that they might be about to lose Christian conservatives as a potent political force because of unmet expectations on a host of issues and stumbles by a Republican administration they helped elect.

Conservative "values voters" have been crucial to Republican success, with religious leaders driving huge voter turnout in recent elections. If they lack enthusiasm this fall, experts say, the GOP could lose control of Congress.
...And here's what you can do next election day: STAY HOME!


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