Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Bush Down to His Base of Support

The Associated Press
Tuesday, August 7, 2007; 2:11 PM

WASHINGTON -- To see the type of person who still backs him, President Bush need only look in the mirror.

The president fits the composite of today's Bush supporter: a conservative, white, Republican man, an evangelical Christian who goes to church regularly.

Hammered by bad news in Iraq, congressional investigations and recent failed domestic initiatives such as immigration reform, Bush's job approval rating has spiraled to record lows for his presidency. Two-thirds of Republicans and about one-third of independents still support him, but virtually no Democrats are left in Bush's camp...

..."Maybe he's got it right, but hardly anybody believes him," said University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato.

Overall, just one in three Americans approves of the job he is doing, according to a July AP-Ipsos poll. That's a long fall from his 90 percent approval rating after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks...

...The only subgroups where a majority of people give Bush the nod are Republicans (67 percent), conservatives (53 percent) and white evangelicals who attend religious services at least once a week (56 percent)...[Open in new window]


So, there you go. That's who they are. Right Wing Nuts. That's the minority who 'supports Bush'.

I don't have anything to do with people like this unless I have to for some reason. There's no common ground. As far as I'm concerned these are the most boring, useless people in the world. If they were gone it would make a difference. Things would be better. But in another way it would make no difference at all. What do people like this bring to the world?

They hate art, they're stupid or so willfully ignorant it's the same thing, they want to 'home school' so those pesky professional educators won't report them for child abuse, they're the worst.

The worst thing is is they think they're 'right' about everything when they're actually 'wrong' about everything. How would they know? Facts, data, new information doesn't penetrate their shells.

They're the people with all the kids, sucking up all the oil, driving the global economy of death.

They're kind of like the BTK guy in Wichita. Small minded & mean.

Let's invite them all to a combo mall, mega church, all-you-can-eat buffet that's really a space station, blast them into orbit & let them live out their little lives in a weird disneyland style 'conservative world'. It would leave the earth for normal, diverse, inquisitive, thinking & struggling human beings.


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