Monday, May 14, 2007

Impeachment has to precede investigation
Submitted by davidswanson on Sun, 2007-05-13 01:39.

By Carla Binion

Without impeachment there won't be serious investigation of Bush-Cheney's lawbreaking. Each day these two criminals remain in office, additional victims of their policies suffer and die.

The administration's war crimes and crimes against humanity -- their ongoing illegal war of aggression and torture policy -- can only be stopped with impeachment and the investigation that would follow.

The mainstream press fails to fully inform the American public. Folks who get their information via the Internet and other alternative sources are the only ones aware of the extent of the Bush-Cheney abuses and the need for impeachment.

The Bush administration's refusal to abide by the Geneva Conventions and comply with the International Criminal Court (ICC) set the stage for its war crimes and human rights violations. As independent journalist Dahr Jamail says in *Impeach the President: The Case Against Bush and Cheney*:

"By refusing to join the ICC, the United States finds itself in the company of several other nonmember states with records of horrific human rights abuses such as Libya, Saudi Arabia, China, North Korea, Sudan and Pakistan.

"As many as 192 states are signatories of the Geneva Conventions, including the U.S. -- although the U.S. is blatantly disregarding them with regards to Iraq."...[Open in new window]


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