Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Reagan, White As Snow

Alec Dubro

May 08, 2007

Ronald Reagan. The man was a saint, a positive saint. Such strength, such warmth, such conviction, such vision. Such claptrap.

Reagan was a mean, crazy old man with a withering contempt for most of the world’s people, beginning with African Americans and extending most strongly to black Africans.

Last week, as we’ve heard, the Republican presidential candidates praised the name and heritage of Ronald Reagan 40 times during the televised Show and Tell at the Reagan Presidential Library. That none of them mentioned Reagan’s legacy of white supremacy and support for apartheid is a little like invoking Jefferson Davis and not mentioning treason or slavery. Actually, a lot like it.

Ronald Reagan was a white supremacist to his very core, and left enough traces over his lengthy political career so that it’s evident for anyone who cares to look—which apparently few do...

...Reagan proudly upheld a line of philosophy that ran from slavery to Jim Crow, from eugenics to National Socialism, from anti-miscegenation to apartheid. Oh, he usually couched it all in the familiar terms of property rights and individual freedoms. But Reagan was a vicious old racist and anyone who invokes him deserves nothing but contempt....[Open in new window]



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