Tuesday, February 06, 2007

From Fire Dog Lake:

A couple of different things from Libby's taped grand jury testimony today that could be nothing, but which could be worth remarking on.

In his March 5th, 2004 testimony to the Grand Jury, Mr. Libby made an interesting slip of the tongue. He was talking about Iraq's attempts to acquire fissile materials as represented in the NIE, but instead of saying "Iraq", he said "Iran". Now, with any other talking head under any other circumstances, this could be a common enough mistake. However, given the Bush administration's hard-on for attacking Iran over their nuclear program, one has to wonder if this was actually a Freudian slip. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was elected president of Iran on August 5th, 2005, nearly a year and a half after Libby's testimony. BushCo has used the election of Ahmadinejad as an excuse to ramp up the United States' heavy-handed rhetoric against Iran, citing his crackpot statements about wiping Israel "off the map", but what if the Bush administration has been planning this particular expansion of the "War on Terror" all along, or at least since we invaded Iraq and destabilized the region? Would that surprise you? Would it really?

Maybe my tin-foil hat is cutting off the circulation to my brain, but given our President's imperialist tendencies and his utter disregard for the sanctity of other sovereign nations (especially Islamic ones), would it be that much of a stretch to think that they've had designs on Iran all along? Iran's got oil, too. And by the simple math of the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld Axis of Weasels, oil plus Islamic country minus the House of Saud equals "Grave Threat in the War on Terror" and therefore we must attack.

It's been pretty distressing to me and a number of other people to see the similarity of the arguments made for attacking Iran and the now-utterly-debunked case for going to war in Iraq. We've already seen some public outcry about the dubiousness of the administration's claims against Iran, but BushCo's wheels of war seem to grind inexorably onwards... http://tinyurl.com/28bjdj [Open in new window]



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