Saturday, February 03, 2007

A Congressional Moral Obligation to the World: Impeaching George W. Bush and Dick Cheney
A. Alexander, January 31st, 2007

With each ticking of the clock, every beating of the heart, and the passing of one day into the next; the reality grows clearer, into a focus so sharp that staring directly into its truth threatens to burn the eyes. The reality is that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are a clear and present danger not only to global stability, but to the very survival of humanity.


The United States is supposed to be a democracy and as such, Congress isn't an amorphous and inanimate institution. It is body comprised of those chosen by the people to express their Will. When Dick Cheney and George W. Bush dismiss Congress they aren't dismissing an institution or political party, they are dismissing the American people. There is something fundamentally dangerous contained within that paradigm. Some might say it represents the precursor of something more sinister originating from within the bowels of today's Republican Party - something too closely resembling fascist-like tyranny.

Still, the dangers posed by the Bush administration do not impact only the United States and its people. Perhaps, the President and Vice-President's assault upon liberty and democracy could be more easily tolerated or even -- for those on the political right -- excused if the administration's threat effected only the American people. As it stands, however, and without being overly dramatic or prone to hysteria, Mister Bush and Mister Cheney and their policies have imperiled the world and threaten the very survival of humankind.

Such statements are indeed, bold. As such, to refute any impending accusations of alarmism or hysterics, the charges that the current administration and its policies have, "imperiled the world and threaten the very survival of humankind," will be substantiated with examples.

Very few emotionally balanced people would dare argue that the administration's Iraq War and Middle East policy in general, haven't destabilized the entire region and brought it to the edge of utter chaos. Currently, as evidenced earlier in Iran and now in Lebanon, moderate forces and governments are being overrun by more extreme elements. Of course, Iraq's ongoing civil war is threatening to spillover and through the entire region.

Yet, in many ways those circumstances are not the most concerning. It has only recently been made public, that the moderate Arab governments -- such as they are -- blame Mister Bush and Cheney's policies for Iran's ascendance to power... [Open in new window]


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