Saturday, October 21, 2006

Praying For A Terrorist Attack

by digby :

Fred Barnes is disappointed that the North Korean test wasn't bigger:

The problem here is that national security isn't the leading campaign issue. And saying it should be won't make it so. What's needed is an event--a big event--to crystallize the issue in a way that highlights Republican strength and Democratic weakness. It was two events--the foiled British terrorist plot and the need to comply with a Supreme Court decision on handling captured terrorists--that led to the Republican mini-rally in September.

Of course there's little time left for a major event to occur. The North Korean bomb test wasn't big enough to change the course of the campaign. So Republicans may have to rely on their two remaining assets: They have more money than the Democrats and a voter turnout operation second to none.

Is that really ok now? Republicans are now allowed to openly wish for some sort of national security "event" that would be big enough to change the course of an election? A dirty bomb in NFL stadium maybe? That would shake things up. How about an assassination? That'd get everybody's attention.

Heck, if they can't get themselves a crisis, I guess they';ll just have to depend on making an argument to the American people and letting them decide on the basis of the republican record. It hardly seems fair, does it?

They really have no boundries these days do they?

Link via Arthur Silber.
Every once in awhile you have to remind yourself just how batshit crazy these people are. This is how it works; the day-in & day-out insanity they spew makes them almost seem normal. But listen...they want something really bad to happen so they can politicise it. The horror is nothing; the politics is all. It really is just like Orwell's 1984.
Call me old school but this kind of totalitarianism is still repulsive to me.


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