Friday, October 20, 2006

How wrong & ass-backwards can you get it? The Bushishtas have been the greatest gift to ObL he could have wished for. Rush must be high. But what's his audiences excuse?

On the October 19 edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh declared that the recent surge in insurgent violence in Iraq indicates that "terrorists around the world, particularly those in Iraq, are voting Democrat today." Limbaugh maintained that "the terrorists, the Islamofascists, the jihadists" are the "key voters in this year's election," and that "[t]hey are trying to create as much havoc as possible; raise the level of violence in order to affect the midterm elections." He added: "What could be the best outcome for them [the terrorists]? Cut and run, right? Whose strategy -- whose policy amounts to cut and run? Democrats."

As Media Matters for America has extensively documented, Limbaugh has previously asserted that terrorists "sound like" Democrats, accused Democrats of sympathizing with Al Qaeda, and stated before the 2004 presidential election that if Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) won, it would "give Osama bin Laden bragging rights all across the Middle East," and that "militant Islamists" would conclude that "they had the ability to affect the election of this country without firing a shot." According to Talkers magazine, The Rush Limbaugh Show reaches more than 13.5 million listeners each week, the largest talk radio audience in the nation...



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