Sunday, October 16, 2005


Lest we forget what scum Tom Delay is and always has been here's an archived article from SALON about 'the hammer's' work on behalf of the sweatshops of Saipan, land of the mandatory abortion for pregnant workers. That's spelled: H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E, by the way.

"...Enter Tom DeLay and his Texas Republican sidekick, Dick Armey. When the Clinton administration sought to yank Saipan's factories into the 20th century in 1994, requiring the workers be paid a minimum wage, overtime and their living conditions improved, the island government hired a platoon of well-connected Washington lobbyists, headed by former DeLay aide Jack Abramoff, to block the plan. Abramoff, in turn, personally or through his family, contributed $18,000 to DeLay's campaign coffers. So far, the island government has paid the firm of Preston Gates Ellis & Rouvelas Meeds $4 million for their efforts, records show. They also treated DeLay and Armey to trips to the island, where they played golf, snorkled and made whirlwind visits to factories especially spiffed up for the occasion, according to several accounts..."...


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