Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Meditation No. 1
The Neophyte should learn, regularly practice, and master the following simple technique of the Fourfold Breath:
Empty the lungs and remain thus while counting four.
Inhale, counting four so that you feel filled with breath to the throat.
Hold this breath while counting four.
Exhale, counting four till the lungs are empty.
This Fourfold Breath technique should be practiced by the Neophyte while he or she is composed in a basic posture or Asana, counting slowly or quickly till s/he obtains a suitable rhythm. This simple technique will help to still the body and quiet the mind of the Neophyte.
Having attained this, the Neophyte should consider a point as defined in mathematics — having position, but no magnitude — and let him or her take note of any important ideas which arise during this simple meditation. Concentrating his or her mind on this point of meditation, let him or her endeavor to realize the Immanence of the Divine Wisdom throughout Nature, in all Her aspects.


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