Sunday, August 28, 2005

A comment received on the AMERICAblog follows. Now I don't spell well and I have lapses in standard usage that are not always intentional, but this is ridiculous.This is a child that done got left behind. Scary part? This maybe an adult writing. Or a pResident even.

this sight should be named the hate america blog.What a bunch of self rightious egomaniacs and loosers you all sound like.The funny thing is you all make up these wacky theories and then believe them because you all never look for the truth.Only what you want to be the truth I guess.Lissen if you really want to hear the truth tune into RUSH LIMBAUGH.He has more brains in his pinkey finger then all of you wanna bees put together .Truth is painfull but it can also set you free

If this had been a work of beauty or rare good sense I wouldn't care about it's flaws. I'm sure this person, because Rush tells him not to, doesn't read newspapers and therefore doesn't know his is becoming more and more a minority opinion . I am so glad the Republican mantra of "dissent=treason" is passing. I do hope these angry dim-bulb types get that message. These whiney-baby conservatives, when things aren't going their way, can be a real social problem. The Dept. of Homeland Security should probably do a threat assessment. Think Timothy McVeigh. Think Eric Rudolph. Think Larry Northern.
Maybe a profile of these potential domestic terrorists should be developed and circulated to law enforcement agencies.
I guess one flaw would be that some cops would have to arrest themselves. But maybe they'd get cells next to Rush if he's convicted (as he should be) of the drug charges against him.
Oh well so it goes...we may have to destroy the village to save the village; throw out the constitution to save it.


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