Sunday, August 28, 2005

Letters to the Editor for Sunday, August 28, 2005
Stars and Stripes (YES, THE STARS AND STRIPES)
European and Mideast editions

[Information I’ve seen indicates that] 89 U.S. soldiers have died in Iraq and Afghanistan so far this month as the four-year anniversary of Sept. 11 approaches, with no sign, or mention, of Osama bin Laden, despite bombings in London, nor does President Bush appear interested in finding him or the anthrax terrorists. Indeed, Bush is busy setting vacation records.

For Americans who’ve noticed the looming cloud over the United States since Bush took office and wonder, “What’s going on?” the blueprint is laid out in the September 2000 document “Project for a New American Century (PNAC): Rebuilding America’s Defenses.” Written by neoconservative government power players from the 1990s whose membership includes Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton and Lewis “Scooter” Libby (currently under investigation for outing a CIA agent), PNAC’s mission is “to fight and win multiple simultaneous major theater wars,” invade and permanently occupy Iraq and take over its oil industry, and overthrow regimes in the Middle East.

PNAC defines peacekeeping missions as “demanding American political leadership rather than that of the United Nations” an ideology realized in Bolton’s summer recess appointment as U.N. ambassador, and his 750 amendments to de-emphasize poverty in a U.N. document designed to alleviate it.

The PNAC document notes that “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor.” Or like Sept. 11, which Bush continues to exploit. The 9/11 Commission has determined, however, that Iraq was not responsible for the World Trade Center/Pentagon attacks and that it possessed no weapons of mass destruction.

PNAC predicted America’s “global struggle against violent extremism” could proceed without public interference provided the U.S. casualty rate remains below 30,000 — PNAC’s threshold of public outrage and a grim reminder of what Americans face in Iraq during its next four years of occupation.

Michele Winter
Würzburg, Germany


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