Saturday, December 01, 2007

Rove's Version of 2002 War Vote Is Disputed

Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, December 1, 2007; Page A06

Former White House aide Karl Rove said yesterday it was Congress, not President Bush, who wanted to rush a vote on the looming war in Iraq in the fall of 2002, a version of events disputed by leading congressional Democrats and even some former Rove colleagues.

Rove said that the administration did not want lawmakers to vote on a resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq that soon because it would "make things move too fast," before Bush could line up international allies, and politicize the issue ahead of midterm elections. But Democrats and some Republicans involved with the issue at the time said yesterday that Bush wanted a quick vote...

...News accounts and transcripts at the time show Bush arguing against delay. Asked on Sept. 13, 2002, about Democrats who did not want to vote until after the U.N. Security Council acted, Bush said, "If I were running for office, I'm not sure how I'd explain to the American people -- say, 'Vote for me, and, oh, by the way, on a matter of national security, I think I'm going to wait for somebody else to act.' "...[Open in new window]


Wow! Rove is right up there as all-time-great world-class lying scum bag. Cheney class. Cheney to fat goof Tim Russert class. Condi "who could have imagined they'd fly airplanes into buildings?' class.

The saddest part is there's still a few people who believe them. And they always will. The never wrong/always right people. The people who take in no information. The people who've had it figured out from the beginning of time. The people who don't have to bother with data. The right wing crank people. There's not really so many of those people, they're just so loud. And the gazillionaires who own all the radio & TV stations give them a platform.

Sometimes I think what this country needs is 'the terror'. Some large angry crowds & a few guillotines. A fresh start.


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