Tuesday, October 16, 2007

President Bush at a town-hall-style meeting Monday in Rogers, Ark., where he again threatened to veto
budget bills he disliked.

Published: October 16, 2007

ROGERS, Ark., Oct. 15 — Out there in the rest of America, polls show that about twice as many people disapprove of President Bush as approve of him. But here in a cavernous convention center hall, Mr. Bush found nothing but admirers Monday when he answered questions during a town-hall-style meeting.

One man began by commending Mr. Bush “on your steadfastness and your faith.” Another concluded by saying, “Thank you for being my president for the last seven years,” with an emphasis on the word “my.” A third expressed dismay that Mr. Bush could not run for president again.

“It’s time for new blood,” Mr. Bush replied. “Plus,” he added wryly, “I’d be single.”

The friendly audience in northwest Arkansas — not a single questioner criticized Mr. Bush — is typical of such let-Bush-be-Bush events, which the White House is staging with increasing frequency. Mr. Bush’s aides like them because the president is much better in an informal setting, especially one where he can get his message across, conversation-style, without pesky reporters asking the questions...[Open in new window]

Look at those people.

Thank goodness they'll all be dead before me.

Problem is, not really. Reagan/Bush era youth was tricked into thinking like them.

Life's tough. Idiots exist.

Kill em' all, Kali will sort 'em out.


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