Friday, October 05, 2007

Chris Matthews Accuses Cheney Of Pressuring MSNBC Brass
Jeff Dufour and Patrick Gavin

Chris Matthews had barely finished praising his colleagues at the 10th anniversary party for his “Hardball” show Thursday night in Washington, D.C. when his remarks turned political and pointed, even suggesting that the Bush administration had "finally been caught in their criminality."

In front of an audience that included such notables as Alan Greenspan, Rep. Patrick Kennedy and Sen. Ted Kennedy, Matthews began his remarks by declaring that he wanted to "make some news" and he certainly didn't disappoint. After praising the drafters of the First Amendment for allowing him to make a living, he outlined what he said was the fundamental difference between the Bush and Clinton administrations.

The Clinton camp, he said, never put pressure on his bosses to silence him.

“Not so this crowd,” he added, explaining that Bush White House officials -- especially those from Vice President Cheney's office -- called MSNBC brass to complain about the content of his show and attempted to influence its editorial content. "They will not silence me!" Matthews declared.

"They've finally been caught in their criminality," Matthews continued, although he did not specify the exact criminal behavior to which he referred. He then drew an obvious Bush-Nixon parallel by saying, “Spiro Agnew was not an American hero."...[Open in new window]
It's hard for me to feel sorry for Bush/Cheney/neocon enabler Matthews. He took the Jack Welsh/GE/Military-Industrial-Media complex money & lied his pathetic little ass off about what a great thing the invasion & occupation of Iraq was/is.

But it's interesting he's saying this stuff now.


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