Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Pansies, Perverts, and Pedophiles

By TRex on Mon Aug 27, 2007 at 10:21 pm

Can we please as a culture agree stop pretending that Republicans aren’t a bunch of effete pussies? Bill Frist? Hello? He makes Ru Paul look like Dog the Bounty Hunter.

Why won’t anybody call these guys out? Ralph Reed? Lindsay Graham? Even the ones like little Ricky Santorum whose wife spits out babies like a lawn sprinkler have that certain oily, southern-preachery prissiness about them, up to and including President Poppinjay himself. You’ve seen what he’s like when he’s mad. He stamps his little feet and starts talking all snippy and bitchy. I’ve seen ten year old girls who were more intimidating when piqued.

None of them have ever worn the uniform of this country. Their idea of “sport” is to get blind on whiskey sours and go shoot at a bunch of farm-raised birds on private land, but with a full Level One trauma team standing by, of course.

How many more of them will have to get arrested soliciting sex in public toilets before people finally cop to the fact that Republicans are a bunch of nasty old wealthy queens who cheat on their wives with other men and who can’t under any circumstances be trusted around teenage boys?

I know, I know.

Tick…tick…tick…[Open in new window]


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