Monday, April 02, 2007

Vile Dick Spew;
"War war war profits profits profits".

Dem response below.

Washington, DC - Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean issued the following response to Vice President Cheney's political smears against Democrats during a speech today in Alabama:

"The Vice President's spin today is more of the same scare tactics and bullish rhetoric that have become a hallmark of the Bush White House when faced with a truth they don't happen to like.

"The American people overwhelmingly support the Democratic plan for change in Iraq, yet the President has stubbornly threatened to veto legislation that contains his own benchmarks for success in Iraq, ensures our troops have the training they need, and supports our veterans.

"Democrats will not be lectured to, nor have our patriotism questioned by an Administration that sent our troops off to war without the proper life-saving equipment, a clear plan for success or the quality care they deserve when they return home. While the President is becoming increasingly isolated, Democrats continue to stand with our brave men and women in uniform and the American people."


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