Thursday, April 12, 2007

Democrats hit troop extensions in Iraq, Claim extended combat tours point toward failed Bush policy

WASHINGTON - Democrats are seizing on the Pentagon's decision to extend troops' combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan as evidence President Bush's war policy is failing.

The announcement "just underscores the fact that the burden of the war in Iraq has fallen upon our troops and their families," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. "The Bush administration has failed to create a plan to fully equip and train our troops, bring them home safely and soon, and provide our veterans with the quality care they deserve."

Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced Wednesday the Army would keep troops in Iraq and Afghanistan for 15-month tours instead of the yearlong stints that have become standard. The three-month extension will allow the Pentagon to maintain its 30,000-troop buildup in Baghdad for another year.

"Once again the failures of this administration are being underwritten by our troops," said Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
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Those evil Dems! They're not giving Bush a chance. Like the the last 4 years haven't been enough of a fail.
What's BushCo succeeded at? Oh yeah, Paris Hilton got some nice tax breaks. We can't afford to ignore the idle rich. They're a very productive segment of US society. Some of them go on to be president or star in other crappy cable TV shows.
Would it were that the last 6 years had been some weird TV show: A gang of leftover burnt-out Watergate/Iran-Contra criminals take over the government. A gang of 'fabulous' interior decorating/wrestlin'/Nascar drivin'/angel seeing/brain dead/island survivin' resistance fighters, lead by a skanky rich girl , arise to defend our freedom to be stooopid...Oh, nevermind, that's a FOX NEWS special investigation on the Republican base.
Oh lord, how long...


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