Friday, February 09, 2007

The Pentagon investigating the Pentagon has found the Pentagon did nothing wrong: But is that true?
Fuck no!
The Associated Press touted that it was yesterday but there's a lot more to consider regarding the OSP, the neocon super-secret, extra-special bureau of hand-picked intel, hinky-skinky little Dougie Feith ran out of the Pentagon. You know the operation with all the Israeli spies on it's staff?
Here's some links to stories presenting other sides to this very important story. The AP really blew it on this one:

WASHINGTON — A Pentagon official who was a prime architect of Bush administration policies that led to the Iraq war presented policymakers with allegations of links between Iraq and Al Qaeda that did not accurately reflect the views of U.S. intelligence agencies, according to a Defense Department investigation disclosed Thursday by a senior Senate Democrat.

The report concluded that the official's actions were inappropriate, Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) said.

The report by the Pentagon's inspector general examined the activities of Douglas J. Feith, an influential undersecretary to former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld during the months leading up to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in March 2003. An unclassified summary of the report will be released today.

Its findings lend credence to charges by White House critics that Feith, who has since left the department, was out of line when he sought to discredit analyses by CIA intelligence officials that discounted alleged ties between Al Qaeda and then-Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

Feith, in responding to the investigation, defended his actions and said he was pleased that the report found he had done nothing illegal... [Open in new window]

WASHINGTON, Feb. 9 (UPI) -- Douglas Feith, an architect of President George W. Bush's Iraq war policy, was "predisposed" to find links between Iraq and al-Qaida, a Pentagon report says.

The report was to be released Friday by Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., chairman of the Armed Services committee, the Washington Post reported.

Feith was undersecretary of defense and one of the Pentagon's policy chiefs until he left the Bush administration in 2005.

The Pentagon inspector general said Feith relied on "reporting of dubious quality or reliability" in 2002 as the administration prepared to invade Iraq. His office was "was predisposed to finding a significant relationship" between Iraq and al-Qaida, the inspector general's reported said...
[Open in new window]

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. defense policy chief Douglas Feith developed and issued "dubious" intelligence that was used to bolster the Bush administration's case for the invasion of Iraq, a Pentagon watchdog agency said in a report to be released on Friday.

The conclusion by Feith's office that there was a "mature symbiotic relationship" between Iraq and al Qaeda was inconsistent with the view of the U.S. intelligence community, according to excerpts of the Pentagon inspector general's report released by Sen. Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

"An alternative intelligence assessment process was established in the office of Under Secretary for Policy Doug Feith ... that was predisposed to finding a significant relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda. His staff then conducted its own review of raw intelligence reports, including reporting of dubious quality and reliability," the report said.

"They arrived at an 'alternative' interpretation of the Iraq-al Qaeda relationship that was much stronger than that assessed by the IC (intelligence community) and more in accord with the policy views of senior officials in the administration," the report concluded... [Open in new window]
That's just for starters. The neocons need to be exposed & rooted out of government.
There are cells ready for them right next to Jonathan Pollard's. They can explain all their 'wack' theories to one another along cell block AIPAC.

They could tape it & replay it on the FAUX NOISE NETWORK so they can keep their pundit jobs while serving time in prison.


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