Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Loony Laura on Larry King yesterday:

KING: So it's(the occupation of Iraq) going to be going on when you leave office?

BUSH: Probably. I mean I have no idea and there's no way I could predict. But I hope not. I hope that they can build their government and reconcile with each other and build a country. This is their opportunity to seize the moment, to build a really good and stable country. And many parts of Iraq are stable now. But, of course, what we see on television is the one bombing a day that discourages everybody.
There are 185 incidents of insurrgent violence a day in Iraq. Under Saddam Hussein there were 0.

I want some of what she's on.

Isn't blaming media a classic conservative dimwit move? Don't they ever get tired of it?

Here's how it works: Something happens. It gets reported. People who see the report react however they're gonna react.

Evidently a vast majority of Americans are discouraged with the performance of her stupid, immoral asshat husband.

I'll include the link to the whole transcript. She talks about sacrifice...the bitch has some kind of disassociative mental illness it seems...

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