Friday, December 15, 2006

Bush Clings To Dubious Allegations About Iraq

By Walter Pincus and Dana Milbank
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, March 18, 2003; Page A13

As the Bush administration prepares to attack Iraq this week, it is doing so on the basis of a number of allegations against Iraqi President Saddam Hussein that have been challenged -- and in some cases disproved -- by the United Nations, European governments and even U.S. intelligence reports.

For months, President Bush and his top lieutenants have produced a long list of Iraqi offenses, culminating Sunday with Vice President Cheney's assertion that Iraq has "reconstituted nuclear weapons." Previously, administration officials have tied Hussein to al Qaeda, to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, and to an aggressive production of biological and chemical weapons. Bush reiterated many of these charges in his address to the nation last night.

But these assertions are hotly disputed. Some of the administration's evidence -- such as Bush's assertion that Iraq sought to purchase uranium -- has been refuted by subsequent discoveries. Other claims have been questioned, though their validity can be known only after U.S. forces occupy Iraq.

In outlining his case for war on Sunday, Cheney focused on how much more damage al Qaeda could have done on Sept. 11 "if they'd had a nuclear weapon and detonated it in the middle of one of our cities, or if they had unleashed . . . biological weapons of some kind, smallpox or anthrax." He then tied that to evidence found in Afghanistan of how al Qaeda leaders "have done everything they could to acquire those capabilities over the years."... [Open in new window]


Or do only those who were right remember?

Always worth a visit: Henry Waxman's IRAQ ON THE RECORD: [Open in new window]

You enter the name of a lying scumbag Bush administration official & get the exact quote of their scumbag lie.

Whether impeachment is 'on the table' or not it's inevitable as are war crimes charges. Key phrase: deliberate war of aggression.

Maybe impeachment, removal from office & a trial at the ICC in the Hague will make the widows & orphans feel better.

Probably not.

Better would have been following the path of truth from the beginning instead of the path of the lying scumbag murderers.



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