A loopy Jesus Freak who lost a Minnesota state senate race graciously conceded by demanding the Hindu winner convert to Christianity.
Instead of the customary phone call, Rae Hart Anderson sent State Senator Satveer Chaudhary an e-mail. We know, classy! Better yet, the e-mail’s all about how winning elections is nothing compared to being a loopy Jesus Freak who got 36% of the vote. We’ve got the e-mail Christ Himself wants you to read, after the jump.
First, let’s mention that Chaudhary is a second-generation American and a practicing Hindu whose ancestors come from Uttar Pradesh, India. In other words, George Allen would not want this guy at a Confederate Reenactment! Chaudhary was one of nine Indian Americans who won midterm races in state and national races last week. And he was re-elected with 63% of the vote.
Here’s the charming (insane) e-mail from Rae Hart: http://tinyurl.com/y4oveu*
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