Monday, October 09, 2006

North Korea Tests Nuke - FOX Declares Victory for Bush!

Bush's 2001 decision to destroy President Clinton's near-agreement with North Korea - followed by his 6-year refusal to negotiate directly with them - has produced its inevitable result: a nuclear-armed North Korea.

North Korea already has a missile capable of reaching Hawaii, Alaska and California - and soon enough will have a nuclear warhead to put on it. And Kim Il Jong just might be crazy enough to fire one at us.

Yet if you watch FOX News today, this is a victory for George W. Bush. Why? Because it has taken the spotlight off Mark Foley, Dennis Hastert, and the rest of the Republican House leadership for at least the next 10 minutes.

By that theory, it will be a victory for George W. Bush when North Korea actually hits us with a nuclear weapon, because that is highly likely to take the spotlight off Iraq and everything else Bush has FUBAR'ed.

Impeach Bush Now - and revoke FOX's FCC license!


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