During the October 16 broadcast of his Focus on the Family radio show, Focus on the Family founder and chairman James C. Dobson claimed that "here at Focus on the Family, we're not political." Yet only minutes earlier, Dobson remarked to his guest, conservative radio host William Bennett, that "the liberal community" and the media "despise this country and its freedoms, and they're doing everything they can do to undermine it." Later in the broadcast, Bennett suggested that Democratic congressional candidates advocate "the course of action that Osama bin Laden wants us to take." In response, Dobson declared that "I fear that some of our leaders will follow that same pattern" of former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, who "appeased the Nazis and [Adolf] Hitler."
During his interview with Bennett, Dobson asked: "[I]sn't it amazing that there is such a sizable number of people in the media and in the liberal community that despise this country and its freedoms and they're doing everything they can to undermine it?" Bennett replied, "It's never been this bad in terms of the media."...http://tinyurl.com/ya8vgu
It's time to yank these yahoos tax exemptions. They're PACs not churches. And Dobson should shut up about the 'media'. He IS the media. The hyper strange-oid far right media.
Get thee back into the shadows you cranks & pay your fuckin' taxes...get out of public life.
Leave people alone & stop telling them what to do. Who says you know what people should do? The US is a traditionally secular nation so go fuck yourself, Dobson. You're marginal.
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