Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The mainstream media picking up on an item from the GWB bag o' bullshit:
(if you ever get really bored watch FOX NEWS and count the stories they 'report' that begin with the phrase "People say" or "It's been said", etc. It means they have no source for what they're about to say. It mean they're pulling their info out of their butts. The champ at this kind of misinfo is Rush Limbaugh but he's just a radio entertainer, he doesn't front himself off as a news network the way FAUX does. Sorry if this bursts your balloon re: Rush. You didn't think he was a journalist, did you? F_ck! He's no more a journalist than Hannity or O'Reilly or...or...or any of those snarling wingnut jerks.)

The President And The Straw Man

(AP) "Some look at the challenges in Iraq and conclude that the war is lost and not worth another dime or another day," U.S. President George W. Bush said recently.

Another time he said, "Some say that if you're Muslim you can't be free."

"There are some really decent people," the president said earlier this year, "who believe that the federal government ought to be the decider of health care ... for all people."

Of course, hardly anyone in mainstream political debate has made such assertions.

When the president starts a sentence with "some say" or offers up what "some in Washington" believe, as he is doing more often these days, a rhetorical retort almost assuredly follows.

The device usually is code for Democrats or other White House opponents. In describing what they advocate, Mr. Bush often omits an important nuance or substitutes an extreme stance that bears little resemblance to their actual position...http://tinyurl.com/lt3ye


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