Friday, November 18, 2005

Hannity and the others would just be a mild irritation if the weaker minds among us would think critically about what they say.
I heard a snarling woman the other day calling into C-SPAN's AMERICAN JOURNAL say, "the media is responsible for the failure in Iraq." How the hell does that work? In what non-cause and effect universe do people like that live in?
The good news is the far right is oozing failure right now. The religious nuts, the turnback-the- new-deal crowd, the Likud double agents are all in varying degrees of trouble.
The bad news is people keep dying in Iraq and Paris Hilton is paying less in taxes everyday.

Sean Hannity Tries To Blame Democrats For Iraq War Problems
As I have written before, Sean Hannity is a one trick pony who "debates" every political issue by blaming and attacking Democrats, preferably with gotcha questions. Last night, in response to Rep. John Murtha's call to begin the immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq, Hannity responded by blaming and attacking harder but with the same old trick questions. Unfortunately for Hannity, Gen. Wesley Clark, who knows a thing or two about fighting, easily disarmed Hannity's bluster with reason and common sense...


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