Thursday, August 25, 2005

This is what I think and it is , of course, colored by what I'd like to happen.
I think Patrick Fitzgerald is onto Cheney. I think Cheney is the one to whom the evidence has pointed. He's the one for whom doctored intel was most important and any dissent was most inconvenient. And I think he's a vindictive little prick. He resigned from the human race a long time ago. With Cheney one has to remember just what happens to people who only care about money. It consumes them. 'They' go away. Something else replaces them. This is not a metaphysical thought. It's reality, to me at least.
I think I have a fix on Fitz. He's a highly skilled but essentially simple guy. He goes where the evidence goes and he goes as far as the evidence goes. It's that simple. He's not a political entity. He doesn't think about the political implications of what he's doing, he follows the evidence. And here's what he's finding out, in my opinion.
Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Feith, etc. wanted war. Good for business and good for Israel. Win/Win from their twisted point of view. The reality of the situation didn't matter. Saddam's containment was unacceptable. Occupation was the ticket. Bald, bare-assed naked imperialism needed to be brought back into style. And they did it. They cooked up a case for invading and occupying Iraq. They forgot the little niceties of whether it would be possible or not as anybody looking can see. Halliburton, Rand, etc have made out like big dogs. Our or our neighbors sons and daughters have sacrificed their lives and limbs for profit they will never see and the security of a nation that's irrelevant to their lives.
It's pretty sick really.
I hope the Grand Jury brings indictments against the whole crew or, at least, against the ones in their perview and then the other dominos fall.
I want the truth. The Bush administration took the United States to war based on lies, while giving tax cuts to the people who benefit the most from war . It's almost unreal how evil this is.
The problem with the world is , in general, the wealthy and governments that work for them.
Eventually it will come down to taxing them out of existence or something else.
In closing I want to emphasize that I am talking about the four or five hundred 'households' that have annual incomes of two hundred million (or more) dollars. (In other words, I'm not talking about the worthy well-to-do.) Almost everything bad in the world can to traced to them. We the people need to be rid of them. They're in the way of progress.


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