Saturday, July 16, 2005

Good article follows on Scooter Libby. Note the slipperiness. The (ahem) oiliness.
The guy, like many Neo-Cons (and I use this word specifically.See their own site: and this overview from Wikipedia for starters:, has gone back and forth between our two(is that enough for a real country?) political parties and between government and the 'private sector'(are those two things anymore? They should be, but are they?). He makes his dough at Rand, who makes it's dough from war and then goes into government and foments wars.
Is this anyway to run an airline? I don't think so. But you know me. I'm the one that's crazy. Crazy like Eisenhower was when he warned us about the 'military-industrial complex' on his way out the door. But then again Ike was a real Republican. Remember them? Back there in olden times.
They were weird. Didn't like all the aid we sent to Israel and were suspicious of aligning our foreign policy with theirs. Weird,huh? They thought that people in government here in the US shouldn't moonlight as spies for other countries or have citizenship in two countries. Like I said the olden times were weird; things made sense then. Can you believe that? Things actually making sense? Wow. We've come a long way since then. But where?
I'd like to know where. I'm uncomfortable finding myself agreeing with Dwight Eisenhower on anything.
Could we actually go back, in a sense, to a time that made sense and try to progress from there? It would require that people know history and I meet people all the time now who seem like immigrants in their own worlds. Cut-off. Stranded in a continuous present of distraction; entertained to death.

I. Lewis (“Scooter”) Libby: The Nexus of Washington’s Neocon Network
By Richard H. Curtiss

"IT'S DIFFICULT TO categorize I. Lewis Libby, who seems to have lived every minute of his 54 years. He currently is chief of staff to Vice President Richard Cheney—which, of course, makes him one of the most powerful people in Washington. Libby also is a red-hot suspect as the man who leaked the name of CIA undercover agent Valerie Plame—a federal offense not just in Washington, but in real life. Plame’s husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, exposed the Bush administration’s false claim that Iraq had purchased uranium from Niger.
The story, in brief, is that agent Plame got her husband a brief assignment to check out a story that “yellow cake” nuclear ore was sent to Iraq from Niger. After traveling to Niger to investigate, Wilson reported back that the story was untrue. In President George W. Bush’s 2002 State of the Union address, however, he mentioned the bogus uranium plot as if it were fact."...


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