Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Winners and losers in the Abramoff scandal The GOP could suffer, opening the way for a third-party movement
By Howard Fineman
MSNBC contributor
Jan. 4, 2006
WASHINGTON - Forget the black hat. Everybody here is obsessed with Jack Abramoff’s gangster-like attire as he came out of the federal courthouse. But the thing that jumps out at me is the figure $20,194,000. If I read the fed’s plea-agreement papers correctly, that’s the amount of cold cash that the Republican lobbyist siphoned from Indian tribes and stashed in his secret accounts.
You may not believe this, but in this city, that is an unheard of amount of money for a lobbyist to haul in — and the number itself signifies a troubling change in the nature of life in the capital of our country...


Blogger Muddy and wife said...

Weren't there some Democrats involved in this too? Are they absolved of responsibility?

9:12 PM MST  
Blogger Dan said...

Muddy & Wife:
My understanding of the situation is that some Democratic Congress people have received contributions from some entities that later became clients of Abramoff. The idea that they're 'involved' as you put it is a typical smear tactic based on a (at best) half truth. Turn off FOX, turn off Rush & his clones and take a dip in the big reality pool. It feels good to know the truth. It's liberating.

4:47 PM MST  

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